Minggu, 12 November 2017


1.      Qualitative research is a process of enquiry aimed at understanding human behavior by building complex, holistic pictures of the social and cultural settings in which such behavior occurs. It does so by analyzing words rather than numbers, and by reporting the detailed views of the people who have been studied.
2.      Qualitative research seeks to understand the what, how , when, and where of an event or an action in order to establish its meaning, concepts, and definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols and descriptions.
3.      The goal of qualitative research is the researchers try to understand a research object without making any theoretical prediction.
4.      The focus is not the condition or the results of a process, but the process itself, like how effective teachers behave differently from ineffective teachers, or how a writer become a skill writer, how students fail in their final exam.
5.      The research problems are usually made after the research has been started, when some collected data have been analyzed. The research problems in qualitative research are developing into more focused during the process of research.
6.      The data is collected by observing people when they are interacting in their natural setting.
7.      In qualitative research the data analysis does not use statistics that requires numerical data. Therefore the data are collected and recorded in description, not symbols or numbers.
8.      Qualitative data are analyzed through logical-inductive analysis, a process of grouping, regrouping, and matching data with research questions. The results are expressed as verbal statements.
9.      The sources of data are assumed to be homogeneous, having no variation. Therefore the trustworthy source of data does not  come from representation of different groups of the source, but selected based on certain criteria to find the most authoritative one. The source in qualitative research is usually called informants (of course when the source is human being)
10.  The source of data can be many different kinds used. When personality is involved as one of the variables, the data on personality are assessed from as many different sources as many different sources as possible; from their parents, from their neighborhood, from their diaries, etc.
11.  The researcher collects and analyzes data simultaneously to draw a temporary conclusion and repeats the cycles several times, deciding what data needs to be collected again to verify their temporary conclusion.
12.  The conclusions are inductively based on what people see as meaningful patterns, concepts, trends or categories in the course of their everyday life experience.
13.  Methods in Qualitative Research:
1.      Case study : one of the qualitative research methods used to study in-depth a unit of a person, a family, a social group, a social institution, or a community for the purpose of understanding the life cycle or an important part of the life cycle of the unit.
2.      Ethnographic
3.      Phenomenological
4.      Constructivists
5.      Participants observational
6.      Interpretive
7.      Naturalistic Enquiry

8.      Exploratory Descriptive

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